



































(1)Jie Yin, Quan Wang, FangHao, Guo Liuxi,Huayao Zou(*). 2018. Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction oflacustrine source rocks in the lower 1st Member of the ShahejieFormation in the Raoyang Sag and the Baxian Sag, Bohai Bay Basin,eastern China. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology,doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2017.12.032.

(2)Xiaoyan Chen, FangHao, Liuxi Guo,Daojun Wang, Jie Yin, Fan Yang, Huayao Zou. 2018. Origin ofpetroleum accumulation in the Chaheji-gaojiapu structural belt ofthe Baxian Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, China: Insights from biomarkerand geological analyses. Marine and Petroleum Geology,doi.org/0.1016/j.marpetgeo.2018.02.010.

(3)Rui Liu, FangHao, Weilin Zhu,Jianzhang Liu, Yuhong Xie, Zhenfeng Wang, Lifeng Wang. 2018.Variation of system openness and geochemical features inoverpressured sandstones of the Yinggehai Basin, offshore SouthChina Sea. Marine and Petroleum Geology,doi.org/10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2018.02.030.

(4)Haiyan Hu, FangHao(*), XushengGuo, Fangyao Dai, Yongchao Lu, Yiquan Ma. 2018. Investigation ofmethane sorption of overmature Wufeng-Longmaxi shale in theJiaoshiba area, Eastern Sichuan Basin, China. Marine and PetroleumGeology, 91:251-261.

(5)Haiyan Hu, FangHao(*), JunfengLin, Yongchao Lu, Yiquan Ma, Qi Li. 2017. Organic matter-hostedpore system in the Wufeng-Longmaxi (O3w-S11) shale, Jiaoshibaarea, Eastern Sichuan Basin, China. International Journal of CoalGeology, 173:40-50.

(6)Qi Wang, FangHao, Xu Changgui,Zhu Yangming, Sun Zhongheng, Zou Huayao(*). 2017. The origin andcharging directions of Neogene biodegraded oils: A geochemicalstudy of large oil fields in the middle of the Shijiutuo Uplift,Bohai Sea, China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 88:200-213.

(7)Guangwei Wang, FangHao, XiangchunChang, Caijun Lan, Pingping Li, Huayao Zou(*). 2017. Quantitativeanalyses of porosity evolution in tight grainstones: A case studyof the Triassic Feixianguan formation in the Jiannan gas field,Sichuan Basin, China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 86:259-267.

(8)Jinqiang Tian(*), FangHao, Xinhuai Zhou,Huayao Zou, Bo Peng. 2017. Hydrocarbon generating potential andaccumulation contribution of the fourth member of the ShahejieFormation in the Liaodong Bay sub-basin, Bohai Bay basin. Marineand Petroleum Geology,82:399-398.

(9)Jinqiang Tian, FangHao, Xinhuai Zhou,Huayao Zou. 2017. Distribution, controlling factors and oil-sourcecorrelation of biodegraded oils in the bohai offshore area, BohaiBay basin, China. AAPG Bulletin, 101(3):361-386.

(10)Rui Yang, FangHao, Sheng He,Chencheng He, Xusheng Guo, Jizheng Yi, Haiyan Hu, Shiwan Zhang,Qinhong Hu(*). 2017. Experimental investigations on the geometryand connectivity of pore space in organic-rich Wufeng and Longmaxishales. Marine and Petroleum Geology,84:225-242.

(11)Yongbin Quan, FangHao(*), JianzhangLiu, Dijiang Zhao, Jinqiang Tian, Zhenfeng Wang. 2017. Source rockdeposition controlled by tectonic subsidence and climate in thewestern Pearl River Mouth Basin, China: Evidence from organic andinorganic geochemistry. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 66:1-17.





(16)张莉,邹华耀,(54)刁帆,金凤鸣,郝芳,孙冶华,邹华耀,王元杰,张金峰,操义军.廊固凹陷古近系沙河街组古湖泊环境与有机质富集机制.石油实验地质,2014,36(04):479-486+510.  期刊论文

(55)刁帆,邹华耀,郝芳,金凤鸣,孙冶华,罗强,师玉雷,梁小娟.渤海湾盆地廊固凹陷烃源岩特征及其发育模式.石油与天然气地质,2014,35(03):326-335.  期刊论文

(56)滕长宇,邹华耀,郝芳(*).渤海湾盆地构造差异演化与油气差异富集.中国科学:地球科学,2014,44(04):579-590.  期刊论文李平平,杨烁,宋钰.川东北元坝地区须家河组储层特征与超致密成因探讨.地质学报,2017, 91(9):2105-2118.

(17)殷杰,王权,郝芳,郭柳汐,邹华耀(*).渤海湾盆地饶阳凹陷沙一下亚段古湖泊环境与烃源岩发育模式.地球科学,2017, 91(9):2105-2188.

(18)朱扬明,李颖,郝芳,邹华耀, 郭旭升.(2017). 四川盆地海,陆相烃源岩有机质稳定碳同位素组成变化及其地球化学意义.沉积学报,35(6), 1254-1264.

(19)Li Zhang, Xusheng Guo,Fang Hao,Huayao Zou(*), Pingping Li. 2016. Lithologic characteristics anddiagenesis of the Upper Triassic Xujiahe Formation, Yuanba area,northeastern Sichuan Basin. Journal of Natural Gas Science andEngineering, 35:1320-1335.

(20)Pingping Li(*), FangHao, Xusheng Guo,Huayao Zou, Yangming Zhu, Xinya Yu, Guangwei Wang. 2016. Originand distribution of hydrogen sulfide in the Yuanba gas field,Sichuan Basin, Southwest China. Marine and Petroleum Geology,97(8):220-239.

(21)JianzhangLiu, JinqiangTian(*), Fang Hao, Changgui Xu, Huayao Zou. 2016. Charging of oilfields surrounding the northern end of Liaoxi uplift from multiplesource rock intervals and generative kitchens, Bohai Bay basin,China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 75:268-278.

(22)Rui Liu, Jianzhang Liu,Weilin Zhu, FangHao(*), Yuhong Xie,Zhengfeng Wang, Lifeng Wang. 2016. In situ stress analysis in theYinggehai Basin, northwestern South China Sea: Implication for thepore pressure-stress coupling process. Marine and PetroleumGeology,77:341-352.

(23)Changyu Teng, FangHao, Huayao Zou,Xinhuai Zhou, Changgui Xu. 2016. Tan-Lu fault system and itssignificance in oil accumulation in the central Liaodong Baysubbasin, Bohai Bay Basin, China. AAPG Bulletin, 100(2):289-314.

(24)Guangwei Wang, FangHao, PingpingLi(*), Huayao Zou. 2016. Use of rare earth element geochemistry toconstrain the source of dolomitizing fluid for dolomitization ofthe Lower Triassic Feixianguan Formation, Jiannan area, China.Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 138:282-291.

(25)Qi Wang, Huayao Zou, FangHao, Xinhuai Zhou,Changyu Teng, Zhongheng Sun, Shang Xu, Jinqiang Tian, LiuxiGuo.2016.Petroleum charge and entrapment along active faults:Study of the accumulation mechanism of the Qinhuangdao 29 oilfield on the slope of the Shijiutuo uplift, Bohai Sea. AAPGBulletin, 100(10):1541-1560.

(26)Shang Xu, FangHao(*), ChangguiXu, Huayao Zou, Yongbin Quan. 2016.Oil migration throughpreferential petroleum migration pathway (PPMP) and polycyclicfaults: A case study from the Shijiutuo Uplift, Bohai Bay basin,China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 73:539-553.




(50)FangHao(*), XuefengZhang, Cunwu Wang, Pingping Li, Tonglou Guo, Huayao Zou, YangmingZhu, Jianzhang Liu, Zhongxian Cai, 2015.The fate of CO2 derivedfrom thermochemical sulfate reduction (TSR) and effect of TSR oncarbonate porosity and permeability, Sichuan Basin, China.Earth-Science Reviews, 141:154-177.

(51)FangHao, Weilin Zhu,Huayao Zou, Pingping Li(*). 2015. Factors controlling petroleumaccumulation and leakage in overpressured reservoirs. AAPGBulletin, 93(8):831-858.

(52)Pingping Li; FangHao; Baiqiao Zhang;Huayao Zou; Xinya Yu; Guangwei Wang.2015. Heterogeneousdistribution of pyrobitumen attributable to oil cracking and itseffect on carbonate reservoirs: Feixianguan Formation in theJiannan gas field, China. AAPG Bulletin, 99(4):763-789.

(53)Pingping Li(*), FangHao(*), XushengGuo, Huayao Zou, Xinya Yu, Guangwei Wang. 2015. Processes involvedin the origin and accumulation of hydrocarbon gases in the Yuanbagas field, Sichuan Basin, southwest China. Marine and PetroleumGeology, 42(4):150-165.

(54)Guangwei Wang, PingpingLi(*), Fang Hao(*),Huayao Zou, Xinya Yu. 2015.Origin of dolomite in the third memberof Feixianguan Formation (Lower Triassic) in the Jiannan area,Sichuan Basin, China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 64:127-141.

(55)Yue Hu, FangHao(*), JunzhangZhu, Jinqiang Tian, Yubing Ji. 2015. Origin and occurrence ofcrude oils in the Zhu1 sub-basin, Pearl River Mouth Basin, China.Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,97:24-37.

(56)Rui Liu, Jianzhang Liu,Weilin Zhu, FangHao(*), Yuhong Xie,Jianxiang Pei, Lifeng Wang. 2015. Expulsion process ofoverpressure fluids indicated by vertical venting structures inthe Dongfang area of the Yinggehai Basin, offshore South ChinaSea. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 66:848-860.

(57)Yongbin Quan, JianzhangLiu(*), Dijiang Zhao, FangHao, Zhenfeng Wang,Jinqiang Tian. 2015. The origin and distribution of crude oil inZhu III sub-basin, Pearl River Mouth Basin, China. Marine andPetroleum Geology, 82(3):732-747.

(58)Guangwei Wang, PingpingLi(*), Fang Hao(*),Huayao Zou, Xinya Yu. 2015. Dolomitization process and itsimplications for porosity development in dolostones: A case studyfrom the Lower Triassic Feixianguan Formation, Jiannan area,Eastern Sichuan Basin, China. Journal of Petroleum Science andEngineering, 131:184-199.

(59)Guangwei Wang, PingpingLi(*), Fang Hao(*),Huayao Zou, Li Zhang, XinyaYu. 2015. Impact of sedimentology,diagenesis, and solid bitumen on the development of a tight gasgrainstone reservoir in the Feixianguan Formation, Jiannan area,China: Implications for gas exploration in tight carbonatereservoirs. Marine and Petroleum Geology,66:250-265.

(60)Qi Wang, FangHao, Changgui Xu,Yingbin Wang, Huayao Zou(*). 2015.Geochemical characterization ofQHD29 oils on the eastern margin of Shijiutuo uplift, Bohai Sea,China: Insights from biomarker and stable carbon isotope analysis.Marine and Petroleum Geology, 66:266-275.

(61)Shang Xu, FangHao(*), ChangguiXu, Yingbin Wang, Huayao Zou(*), Chenglin Gong.2015.Differentialcompaction faults and their implications for fluid expulsion inthe northern Bozhong Subbasin, Bohai Bay Basin, China. Marine andPetroleum Geology, 66:1-16.

(62)Ying Li(*), YangMing Zhu,Fang Hao,HuaYao Zou, TongLou Guo. 2015. Thermal evolution and applicationsof aromatic hydrocarbons in highly mature coal-bearing sourcerocks of the Upper Triassic Xujiahe Formation in the northernSichuan Basin. Science China-Earth Sciences,58(11):1960-1969.







(69)Jinqiang Tian, FangHao(*), XinhuaiZhou, Huayao Zou, Lei Lan. 2014. Charging of the Penglai 9-1 oilfield, Bohai Bay basin, China: Functions of the delta onaccumulating petroleum. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 57:603-618.

(70)ChangYu Teng, HuaYao Zou,Fang Hao(*).2014.Control of differential tectonic evolution on petroleumoccurrence in Bohai Bay Basin. Science China-EarthSciences,57(5):1117-1128.

(71)Shang Xu, FangHao, Changgui Xu,Huayao Zou, Jinqiang Tian. 2014.Tracing migration pathways byintegrated geological, geophysical, and geochemical data: A casestudy from the JX1-1 oil field, Bohai Bay Basin, China. AAPGBulletin, 98(10):2109-2129.

(72)Qi Wang(*), HuayaoZou(*), Fang Hao,Yangming Zhu, Xinhuai Zhou, Yingbin Wang, Jinqiang Tian, JinzhongLiu. 2014. Modeling hydrocarbon generation from the Paleogenesource rocks in Liaodong Bay, Bohai Sea: A study on gas potentialof oil-prone source rocks. Organic Geochemistry, 76:204-219.




(76)FangHao, Huayao Zou,Yongchao Lu. 2013. Mechanisms of shale gas storage: Implicationsfor shale gas exploration in China. AAPG Bulletin,97(8):1325-1346.

(77)Fang Hao(*), HuayaoZou.2013. Cause of shale gas geochemical anomalies and mechanismsfor gas enrichment and depletion in high-maturity shales.Marineand Petroleum Geology, 44:1-12.





(1)邹华耀,郝芳,徐尚,田金强,鲍晓欢,王奇,一种应用地质、地球物理和地球化学方法示踪油气运移路径的方法,2015.3.4-2034.11.24, 中国,CN201410681717.7.