

»姓名: 赵建华

»系属: 资源系




»专业: 矿产普查与勘探

»导师类别: 硕士生导师


















AAPG BulletinMarine and Petroleum GeologyJournal of Asian Earth Sciences等国际学术期刊审稿人。






1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,富有机质页岩中自生石英成因机制及储层物性响应,2019-2021,主持

2. 山东省自然科学基金青年项目,四川盆地龙马溪组富有机质页岩中硅质组分成因机制,2019-2022,主持

3. 中央高校自主创新项目,四川盆地海相富有机质页岩储层差异性及其形成机理,2018-2021,主持

4. 页岩油气富集机理与有效开发国家重点实验室开放基金,火山灰对有机质富集的影响机制-以四川盆地龙马溪组为例,2018-2019,主持

5. 页岩油气富集机理与有效开发国家重点实验室开放基金,上扬子地区下寒武统页岩成岩演化及其物性响应,2017-2018,主持

6. 学校人才引进项目,海相富有机质页岩中黄铁矿成因机制及其地质意义,2018-2019,主持

7. “十三五国家科技重大专项子课题,四川盆地陆相页岩气储层特征与演化,2017-2020,参与

8. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,陆相页岩油在基质-裂缝体系中的多尺度运移机理研究,2019-2023,参与

9. 国家自然科学基金石油化工联合基金(A类)重点项目,陆相湖盆页岩油储层形成演化过程与成因机制,2018-2021,参与

10. 中石油科技重大专项,塔里木盆地前陆区碎屑岩储层发育模式与成藏机理研究,2020-2024,参与

11. 四川盆地(高校)研究中心研究项目,四川盆地深层页岩气优质储层发育机理,2020-2024,参与

12. 中石油大港油田项目,沧东凹陷孔二段页岩含油性与储集性能定量表征,2019-2020,参与

13. 页岩油气富集机理与有效开发国家重点实验室开放基金,基于DCM技术和逾渗理论定量刻画页岩孔隙连通性研究,2018-2019,参与

14. 页岩油气富集机理与有效开发国家重点实验室开放基金,富有机质页岩中碳酸盐矿物成因机制及对储集性能的影响,2016-2017,参与

15. 中国石化石油勘探开发研究院科研项目,川东地区页岩成岩作用研究,2014-2015,参与

16. 中石化科技部项目,川东地区龙马溪组页岩气富集规律与分布预测,2014-2015,参与







1. Zhao J, Hu Q, Liu K, et al. Pore connectivity characterization of shale using integrated wood’s metal impregnation, microscopy, tomography, tracer mapping and porosimetry. Fuel, 2020, 259: 116248

2. Zhao J, Jin Z, Hu Q, et al. Geological controls on the accumulation of shale gas: A case study of the early Cambrian shale in the Upper Yangtze area. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2019, 7: 423-437

3. Zhao J, Z Jin, Q Hu, et al. Mineral composition and seal condition implicated in pore structure development of organic-rich Longmaxi Shales, Sichuan Basin, China, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2018,98: 507-522

4. Jianhua Zhao, Zhijun Jin*, Qinhong Hu*, Zhenkui Jin; Barber, T. J., Yuxiang Zhang, Bleuel M., Integrating SANS and fluid-invasion methods to characterize pore structure of typical American shale oil reservoirs. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7(1): 15413

5. Jianhua Zhao, Zhijun Jin*, Zhenkui Jin, Qinhong Hu*, Zongquan Hu, Wei Du, Caina Yan, Yikai Geng, Mineral types and organic matters of the Ordovician-Silurian Wufeng and Longmaxi Shale in the Sichuan Basin, China: Implications for pore systems, diagenetic pathways, and reservoir quality in fine-grained sedimentary rocks. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2017, 86: 655-674

6. Jianhua Zhao, Zhijun Jin*, Zhenkui Jin, Yikai Geng, Xin Wen, Caina Yan, Nano-Scale Pore Characteristics of Organic-Rich Wufeng and Longmaxi Shales in the Sichuan Basin, China. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2017, 17(9): 6721-6731

7. Jianhua Zhao, Zhenkui Jin*, Zhijun Jin*, Xin Wen, Yikai Geng, Origin of authigenic quartz in organic-rich shales of the Wufeng and Longmaxi Formations in the Sichuan Basin, South China: Implications for pore evolution. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2017, 38: 21-38

8. 赵建华, 金之钧, 金振奎, . 四川盆地五峰组龙马溪组页岩岩相类型与沉积环境. 石油学报, 2016 (5): 572-586 (入选F5000)

9. Zhao Jianhua, Lin Changsong, Liu Jingyan, et al. Sedimentary facies and sequence stratigraphy of the Silurian at Tabei uplift, Tarim Basin, China. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2016, 9(8): 533.

10. 赵建华, 金之钧, 金振奎,. 岩石学方法区分页岩中有机质类型. 石油实验地质, 2016, 38(4):514-520

11. Jianhua Zhao, Zhijun Jin*, Zhenkui Jin, Yikai Geng, Xin Wen, Caina Yan, Applying sedimentary geochemical proxies for paleoenvironment interpretation of organic-rich shale deposition in the Sichuan Basin, China. International Journal of Coal Geology, 2016, 163: 52-71

12. 赵建华, 金振奎, 耿一凯, . 四川盆地龙马溪组富有机质页岩形成主控因素. 大庆石油地质与开发, 2016: 140-147

13. 赵建华, 金之钧, 金振奎, . 四川盆地五峰组龙马溪组含气页岩中石英成因研究. 天然气地球科学, 2016, 27(2): 377-386

14. Jianhua Zhao, Zhijun Jin*, Zhenkui Jin, Xin Wen, Yikai Geng, Physical Mechanism of Organic Matter-Mineral Interaction in Longmaxi Shale, Sichuan Basin, China. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 2016, 90(5): 1923-1924

15. 赵建华, 林畅松, 刘永福, . 塔北隆起中部东河塘组高精度层序地层及沉积体系研究. 天然气地球科学, 2014, 25(3): 351-359.