











summa cum laude成绩获得柏林工业大学博士学位,并在德国地球科学研究中心(GFZ)从事了博士后研究工作。


目前担任石油地质期刊AAPG BulletinMarine and Petroleum Geology副主编(Associate   Editor)。



·          油气生成的组分及相态预测

·          铀辐射对干酪根结构的影响

·          键合态生物标志化合物应用

·          页岩油气储层纳米岩石物理



·          2013.09-2017.09:柏林工业大学,博士(summa cum laude),导师:Brian Horsfield院士

·          2010.09-2013.07:中国地质大学(北京),硕士    (优秀论文),导师:张金川教授

·          2005.09-2009.07:中国石油大学(华东),学士    (优秀论文)



·          2020.01-今,中国石油大学(华东),地球科学与技术学院,特任副教授

·          2017.09-2019.09,德国地球科学研究中心(GFZ),地球化学部,博士后



·          AAPG Bulletin副主编

·          Marine and   Petroleum Geology副主编

·          美国化学协会石油基金(ACS   Petroleum Research Fund)评审



·          2012年,“中日韩研究生论坛”杰出演讲,日本筑波市

·          2014年,“德国地球科学中心PhD day”展板第二名,德国波茨坦市

·          2016年,《石油学报》优秀论文

·          2019年, 山东省级人才专家


Yang, S., Schulz, H.-M., Horsfield, B., Schovsbo, N. H., Grice, K., and   Zhang, J., 2020, Geological alteration of organic macromolecules by   irradiation: Implication for organic matter occurrence on Mars: Geology,   v. 48, no. 7, p. 713-717.

Yang, S., and Horsfield, B., 2020, Critical review of the uncertainty of   Tmax in revealing the thermal maturity of organic matter in sedimentary rocks.   International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 225.

Yang, S., Schulz, H.M., 2019. Factors controlling the petroleum generation   characteristics of Palaeogene source rocks in the Austrian Molasse Basin as   revealed by principal component analysis biplots. Marine and Petroleum   Geology, v. 99, 323-336.

Yang, S., Schulz, H.-M., Schovsbo, N., Mayanna, S., 2019. The organic   geochemistry of “Kolm”, a unique analogue for the understanding of molecular   changes after significant uranium irradiation. International Journal of   Coal Geology, v. 209, 89-93.

Yang, S., Schulz, H.M., Horsfield, B., Schovsbo, N.H., Noah, M., Panova,   E., Rothe, H., Hahne, K., 2018. On the changing petroleum generation   properties of Alum Shale over geological time caused by uranium irradiation. Geochimica   et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 229, 20-35.

Yang, S., Schulz, H.-M., Schovsbo, N.H., Bojesen-Koefoed, J.A., 2017.   Oil–source-rock correlation of the Lower Paleozoic petroleum system in the   Baltic Basin (northern Europe). AAPG Bulletin, v. 101, 1971-1993.

Yang, S., Horsfield, B., 2016. Some predicted effects of minerals on the   generation of petroleum in nature. Energy & Fuels, v. 30,   6677-6687.

Yang, S., Horsfield, B., Mahlstedt, N., Stephenson, M., Konitzer, S.,   2016. On the primary and secondary petroleum generating characteristics of   the Bowland Shale, northern England. Journal of the Geological Society,   v. 173, 292-305.

Schulz, H. M., Yang, S., Panova, E., and Bechtel, A., 2019, The role of   Pleistocene meltwater-controlled uranium leaching in assessing   irradiation-induced alteration of organic matter and petroleum potential in   the Tremadocian Koporie Formation (Western Russia): Geochimica et   Cosmochimica Acta, v. 245, p. 133-153.

Rahman, H. M., Kennedy, M., Lohr, S., Dewhurst, D. N., Sherwood, N.,   Yang, S., and Horsfield, B., 2018, The influence of shale depositional fabric   on the kinetics of hydrocarbon generation through control of mineral surface   contact area on clay catalysis: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v.   220, p. 429-448.

杨升宇, 张金川, 唐玄, 2016. 鄂尔多斯盆地张家滩页岩气区三维盆地模拟. 天然气地球科学 27, 932-942.

杨升宇, 张金川, 黄卫东, 张俞, 唐玄, 2013. 吐哈盆地柯柯亚地区致密砂岩气储层甜点类型及成因. 石油学报 34, 272-282.

杨升宇, 张金川, 2012. 页岩油及其特征. 大庆石油地质与开发 31, 47-50.