美国德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校 The University of Texas at Austin



The University of Texas at Austin, founded in 1883, ranks among the 40 best universities in the world. It supports some 51,000 diverse students with top national programs across 18 colleges and schools. And as Texas’ leading research university, UT attracts more than $650 million annually for discovery.



The Jackson School of Geosciences at The University of Texas at Austin is among the most established and well regarded geoscience programs in the world. The school includes the University’s Department of Geological Sciences, one of the country’s oldest geoscience departments, and two world-renowned research units, the Institute for Geophysics and the Bureau of Economic Geology. The school is home to the world’s largest academic geoscience communities with almost 5,000 alumni, 413 graduate and undergraduate students, 54 faculty, 90 research scientists, 110 research staff and postdoctoral scientists and 140 support staff, as of 2018.

The Jackson School is both old and new. It traces its origins to a Department of Geology founded in 1888 but became a separate unit at the level of a college only on September 1, 2005. The school’s formation resulted from one of the most generous gifts in the history of higher education when the late John A. and Katherine G. Jackson bequeathed endowments and assets to the university presently valued at over $300 million.


杰克逊地球科学学院(Jackson School of Geosciences)来自于1888年成立的地质系,2001年正式成为一个学院(School),包含有3个主要学术机构,地质科学系、地球物理所、经济地质局。其中在油气勘探领域具有重要的学术地位,分别在盆地演化分析与热史分析、勘探地球物理、多孔介质中的液相流动、纳米地球科学、碎屑岩、碳酸盐岩和裂缝性储层描述、储层构造和地质力学、资源评价、地下盆地分析和油气体系以及非常规资源研究处于世界领先地位,同时拥有世界领先的各种实验设备。与我院合作交流较为广泛,截止目前已经已派出13名学生进行联合培养或攻读博士学位。